Friday, October 11, 2013

Loving Yourself

“She lacks confidence, she craves admiration insatiably. She lives on the reflections of herself in the eyes of others. She does not dare to be herself.”
 - Anais Nin

Sadly most of us can be just like that most times.....

Ever notice how sometimes you just loose who you are, you totally forget what makes who or what you are. You come across a certain group of people and you try and fit in,  and this happens with every one you're with. You become kinda like them. I don't know maybe I imagine things but Iv seen a lot of people do that, and I know I'm guilty too. The thing is, it usually works! People don't really judge you if you're like them. But why do we care so much about what other people think of us?

In my opinion I think it all boils down to just loving who you are- as simple as that. Love you and enjoy it , have fun with it , be care free!When you have that flame that heats your soul, it automatically lights and energises your spirit. I usually find that I'm more comfortable when wearing things that I love not what other people will think looks good on me. I'm more me in what others may think is weird or ugly. And my aim now is to just do that, do me and be care free.

Can you please just try and have like a "weird outfit day", I'm not saying you should wear your pyjamas in public but just 'Wear Whatever you Wanna Wear!  ..... whatever you're comfortable with!

                                                       cape town street style, south africa street style, chain sunglasses

                                               Photos: Anthea Peacock _embracingstyle                                                 

                                              Photos :Michelle Oberholzer - cinderandskylark

For more crazy, fun outfit ideas check out and .

1 comment:

  1. all boils down to loving yourself just the way you are.

    I love that blue skirt and the fact the entire look nje.
